July 24, 2024

Global Blue Economy Investment Summit for Artificial Intelligence, Clean Energy & Bio-Assets in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Americas.
Dates: October 16th & 17th, 2024
Venue: Forte S. Julião da Barra, Oeiras, Lisbon, Portugal

Forte S. Julião da Barra, Oeiras

About the Conference

Join us for an unparalleled event at the Oeiras Bluetech Ocean Forum cum 10th International Forum on Clean Energy. This prestigious conference brings together thought leaders, innovators, and stakeholders from around the globe to discuss and drive forward the sustainable development of the blue economy through the application of artificial intelligence, clean energy, and bio-assets.
Oeiras Bluetech Ocean Forum cum 10th International Forum on Clean Energy

Themes & Topics

The Oeiras Bluetech Ocean Forum cum 10th International Forum on Clean Energy conference is divided into two primary summits within a single venue: the Ocean AI Summit and the Blue Clean Energy Summit. Each summit focuses on how technological innovation can drive the sustainable development of the blue economy.


Focus on the dual-use deep technology of artificial intelligence and digital technology (Bluetech) in marine observation and the blue economy.
1. Artificial intelligence in the bioeconomy This session will explore how AI is revolutionizing fisheries, aquaculture, and seafood processing industries. Topics include AI-driven techniques for monitoring fish stocks, optimizing aquaculture operations, and enhancing seafood supply chain management. The role of machine learning in predicting marine population dynamics, improving feed efficiency, and disease prevention will be examined.
2. Applications of artificial intelligence in ports, shipping, and shipbuilding This session will delve into how AI enhances operational efficiency and safety standards in ports, shipping, and shipbuilding. Key topics include predictive maintenance for ships and port machinery, AI-driven navigation and route optimization, and cargo handling automation. The impact of AI on ship design and construction, including digital twins and smart manufacturing, will be discussed.
3. Applications of artificial intelligence in blue technology, marine observation, and ocean spatial planning This session will analyze AI's role in monitoring and managing marine resources. Topics include AI-powered marine observation systems, autonomous underwater vehicles, and drones for real-time data collection. The session will highlight successful AI implementations in blue technology, and future directions for AI in marine science and management.
4. Blue Fintech and Blue Carbon Investment Trends: This session will discuss how Blue Fintech and Blue Carbon technologies improve the transparency and efficiency of the blue carbon market. Topics include blockchain and AI for tracking and verifying blue carbon credits, enhancing carbon sequestration measurements, and facilitating secure transactions.


Focus on the production of blue renewable energy, advancements in clean fuels, and innovative technologies related to ports, shipping, shipbuilding, and marine coatings.
1. Floating offshore wind power This session will explore platform design and stability, anchoring and mooring technologies, strategies for cost reduction, financing models backed by policy support, environmental impact assessments, community relations in fisheries, regulations and standards, integration of supply and industry chains, successful case studies, and future technological trends.
2. Marine Green Coatings and Sustainable Coating Technologies Discussions will include eco-friendly ship coatings, painting of port machinery, anti-corrosion coatings used in marine engineering and offshore wind projects, protective coatings for oil platforms, coatings for coastal oil and gas pipelines, innovation in coating technologies, sustainable practices, policy support, standardization in the industry, and successful case studies.
3. Clean Fuels & Energy innovation in Ports and Shipping Topics will cover the economic and technical aspects of green methanol, hydrogen, and ammonia as fuels, technologies for retrofitting existing ship engines, designs for new ships, modifications in port infrastructure to accommodate clean fuel operations, management of clean fuel supply chains and logistics, supportive policies and incentives, environmental assessments and mitigation strategies, along with sharing successful experiences and case studies. The focus will also be on the technologies and solutions that will enable ports and shipping energy infrastructure to be flexible and efficient.
4. Green Hydrogen Production and Storage The focus will be on the technologies and cost analysis related to green hydrogen production, safe storage methods, transportation and infrastructure development, supportive policies and incentives, environmental impact assessments, market demand and application prospects, international cooperation and standardization efforts, successful case studies, and discussions on future development trends.

Parallel Sessions

Designed to gather diverse perspectives on scaling investments in blue projects, these sessions will include approximately 50 participants from various sectors, such as investors, startups, corporations, academia, R&D centers, clusters, and policy entities. The format will include:
Initial Panel Discussion: A 15-minute panel featuring representatives from different areas, moderated by the session leader. Roundtable Discussions: Panelists will moderate 30-minute discussions at different tables, engaging participants in in-depth dialogue. Summary and Insights: Panelists will share the main insights and takeaways from their discussions, followed by a brief summary from the session moderator.


Day 1
Day 2


Conference Layout
Networking Layout




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Forte S. Julião da Barra, Oeiras
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Fórum Oceano is the managing entity of the Portuguese Sea Cluster, certified and recognised by the Ministry of Economy and the Sea, the Ministry of National Defence and the Ministry of Planning and Infrastructure.

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UPTEC Mar, Sala C2, Av. Da Liberdade S/N 4450-718 Leça Da Palmeira – Portugal
+351 220 120 764
Rua Das Trinas, Nº. 49 – Sala 20 61249-093 Lisboa – Portugal

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